Bill's Computer Circus
Don't get caught with your system down.
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"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
The saga continues...

Tonight was supposed to be the night that I got my BIOS restored on my web server. Of course, that didn't happen. There are a couple of guys at the robotics club who have EEPROM burners that were going to take a shot at putting a good BIOS into my corrupted chip. But, for some reason I don't quite understand, the custodial workers at the school where the club meets are working short hours this week...because of President's Day. HUH?!?! So, there was no one to open the room where the club meets.

So, the club didn't meet, and I didn't get my BIOS updated. Maybe next week.


So, over the weekend, I had this idea. I took the power supply that died from the server (the event that started all this) and gutted it. I ripped it to shreds and threw away the innards. I thought it would make a nice little casing for a tiny embedded computer. Something to play with.

Well, I had this power supply that I bought from Electronic Goldmine - which is a place that sells surplus electronic parts. It was supposedly brand new - never used. I took this to mean that it worked.

Guess what? Like you have to guess. After quite a few hours of drilling holes and scrounging up stand-offs & cables and soldering wires together to get the power supply to connect to the computer, I turned it on and LO AND BEHOLD it didn't work.

So that blows that whole project. It would have been perfect. But the likelihood of finding another power supply this small is, well, probably zero. Electronic Goldmine is sold out of them.


Here is a shot of the power supply casing with the new dead guts inside of it.

And here is the PC/104 form factor embedded computer that was going to go inside.

What a shame. It would have been cool.

posted by Bill  # 11:52 PM