Bill's Computer Circus
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"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Friday, June 11, 2004
I am so sick of people and companies who list software as "free download" or "free version" when, in fact, it is a TRIAL or EVALUATION version of the software. If it was FREE, it wouldn't expire and it wouldn't required a license key and it wouldn't require that you do anything except download, install and run the software.


When something is advertised as free, it better be free, or it is only wasting people's time. It makes it difficult to find free software when you are searching for free software and you get a hundred listings of "free downloads". Come on, shit heads, all downloads are free! If it is a trial version, then list it as "trial version". If it is an evaluation version, then list it as "evaluation version". "Trial" and "evaluation" are pretty interchangeable, but THEY ARE NOT FREE!!!


I lose all respect for those who use subtle and misleading marketing tactics to lure potential customers. If I am looking for commercial software, I am happy to find trial versions available. But when I am looking for FREE software, I demand an equal opportunity to find it! Otherwise, companies that claim to provide free software that is actually limited trial versions that expire, will never get a dime of my money!

Are you with me on this?

I urge you all to contact any companies that you see confusing "free" with "trial" or "evaluation" and let them know that you demand they stop misusing the term "free" and replace it with "trial" (even "free trial" is OK, I suppose, as long as those two words are not separated - "free download" is unacceptable!). Let's put some pressure on these companies that want to mislead us and let them know we won't be mislead! Start a trend: set them straight!

posted by Bill  # 1:10 PM