Bill's Computer Circus
Don't get caught with your system down.
NOTICE: This web site may not render correctly in older browers like Internet Explorer 5.2 for the Mac. May the gods help you if you are using Internet Explorer on any machine! Otherwise, if this site does not look right on your browser, please let me know what browser you are using (and what version and on what computer). Thanks!
"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Thursday, July 01, 2004
I could make a whole ton of religious references and throw in a bunch of other sordid words that you can't say on television, but what's the point? Words are simply inadequate. All I can say is, I am SOOOOOOOOOO GLAD that I am not a Web developer!

How in the HELL does anyone deal with this crap? Ok, the expletives are leaking out (not surprising - I'm full of them right now). I have tried and tried and [deleted expletive]-ing tried to get the template for this 'blog to be something...something SIMPLE...something BASIC...but holy [EXPLETIVE] I cannot phathom the level of astonishment I experience when I realize just how difficult Web technology really is to use.

I found out Style Sheets were created with the INTENTION of avoiding turning it into some kind of programming language. Well, you know, things would have been a LOT SIMPLER had they started out from the very beginning to make it a programming language. As it is, there are so many quirks and counter-intuitive inconsistencies that it is amazing - ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - that anyone can do anything with this crap!

Do you know that if I add a background color to this div, the background color will overlay any other div I try to put in here? I added a div to include a picture to float right, and the text wrapped around it like you would expect, but you couldn't see the picture - only the F-ING bacground color. Take the F-ING background color out, and the picture magically appears.

And don't even talk to me about Mozilla. At least Mozilla did what I expected, but everything is rendered larger and...well...I'm not even going to go there. It's just another one of the Web's inconsistencies.

There ISN'T enough money in this world to pay me to work with this crap. I'd rather take a swim in a cest pool.

OK, enough bickering.

Maybe this will cheer you up. If you think you've seen it before, keep watching.

posted by Bill  # 1:41 PM