Bill's Computer Circus
Don't get caught with your system down.
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"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
It looks like I will be getting a Mac. A dual 2.0 GHz G5 system. With Final Cut Pro. I'll be editing the short film that the group just shot last week.

I am enrolling in a Final Cut Pro class at the College of San Mateo. Better late than never - I just got admitted, so now I have to go through all the remaining hoops to get in (assessment tests, meet a counselor, etc., etc.). Ugh. Not sure I'm ready for school again.

I may also enroll in this class: A friend of mine is taking it and I paid a visit to the shop last night - way cool. I guess I like doing combat robots. Hey, I need an outlet somewhere. Besides, I'll need something to pose with if I ever get a Nuke the Moon tee-shirt.

As for my RC4 device, I decided to stop wasting my time tracking down that one last issue, so I have frozen development and will soon (very soon) install it into my Trike, along with a computer, and start using it. I think I've been waiting long enough. Two years is about 1.75 years longer than I thought it would be.

Well, gotta get busy. Like I'm not - ha! How the hell do people work full time and have a life, too? I don't want to go back to work, but I just got a lead on a technical writing position. Ugh. We'll see where that leads. At least now I don't feel like I have to be married to a job. If I get the job and don't like it, I'll quit. Life is too short - I work to live, not live to work!


Oh, before I go, if you haven't seen the "This Land" animation at, then go check it out. That's my political statement for the day.

posted by Bill  # 1:40 PM