Bill's Computer Circus
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"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Friday, December 17, 2004
My Final Cut Pro editing class is finally over. Not that I am excited that it is over, but now at least I am free from my project that I was slaving over. Here is the final version that I presented to the class (it's in Quicktime format). It was well received. I am always so surprised as to how differently the end result is perceived (even by me) when it is presented in front of an audience. I spend all this time putting all the details together and am so close to it that when it comes time to present the end results, suddenly the whole vantage point changes.

I had fun doing it - I learned a lot - but I think this is the last project I ever do by myself. I think it's time I assembled another team. The group I began to get involved with out here seems to have just kind of vanished. They shot their piece and I was supposed to edit it, but there was some problem with them getting the tapes from the camera guy, and that's the last I've heard from them. No messages posted to our group list in a while. Weird. Oh, well. I guess I'm free to move on.

posted by Bill  # 4:04 PM