Bill's Computer Circus
Don't get caught with your system down.
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"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Monday, December 06, 2004
What an ordeal. I was working hard to prepare for my first bout with my new combat robot, but the biggest problem I had was burning a DVD on the Macintosh. iDVD has some seriously annoying bugs. One of which - for SOME reason that it won't report - is its inability to burn my project on a DVD. It took me three days to finaggle it to the point where it would actually create the actual DVD. Then, afterward, I discovered the DVD was not correct. I had 7 or 8 selections in a "Special Features" section that - after any one of them finished playing - would just stop. The DVD would just stop playing. It wouldn't return to the menu - it would just stop.


Anyway, the DVD was delivered to its intended client, and he offered me some money for it. He said he didn't care that it stopped, but god I hate delivering sub-par products. That's just not my style - mostly because I don't like receiving sub-par products.

Enough of my rant. Oh! But wait! This is a Computer Circus blog! Never mind - rant on!!!

posted by Bill  # 4:32 PM