Bill's Computer Circus
Don't get caught with your system down.
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"Visual Basic makes the easy things easier. Delphi makes the hard things easy."
-- unknown
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Again, there has been quite a gap in this blog. But I'm still alive...and my hand continues to improve, though it is frustrating that it takes SO LONG to recover.

Anyway, I am not sure I will be continuing this blog much longer. I am really thinning out, trying to simplify my life. I am basically getting out of robotics, since I don't spend much - if any - time with it (other than the combat robots, if you can consider them robots) and I just have too much crap cluttering up my living space that I don't use. Get it out of my face and out of my head, I say.

I might keep my 12-pound combat robot - because it's RC and fun to drive around - but I am going to unload the Super Heavyweight, Road Rage.

About the only hobby I am considering keeping is my RC airplanes. They're (relatively) simple and provide a lot of enjoyment...when I can find a place and time to fly them. I am discovering that flying them is actually rather important to me, as it serves some need within me, and I have neglected it for a long time. But I'm even thinning that out and putting two of my airplanes up for sale.

I'm not sure what's going to happen with my computers. I have a job interview with Intel about a possible position doing the same thing I hated doing at my last job. I don't want to get sucked back into that, but being Intel, I thought maybe there might be other opportunities there and it might open up other doors. Whether they are opportunities and doors that I want to be led through remains to be seen.

I just have too much clutter. Too many (mostly frustrating) hobbies. I've always wanted to understand and be good with electronics, too, but it's frustrating and I'm not very good at it (unless it's digital), and it doesn't make me happy, so I think I'm going to have a big parts bin sale on ebay sometime in the not too distant future. We'll see.

I'm not even sure about this new direction I took into multimedia. I find I am right back where I left off - sitting in front of the damn computer. I am at a crossroads in my life, earnestly trying to figure out what really drives me and what I want to do. Maybe I just want to be somebody's pet - hang around the house all day, eat what's put in my bowl, and sleep a lot.

Maybe I'll teach.

All I know is that this blog will probably be even at a lower priority than it has been for the past few months. But if any computers blow up in the interim, I'll be sure to make a note of that, here. So far, things have been pretty smooth lately. I filled up a 120 GB hard drive with my video classes over the past two semesters. But that's the problem with the kind of things I do - they just pile up. More shit. Add, add, add, accumulate, multiply, expand... Where does it end? Where's the subtraction?

Well, the subtraction has begun. The trash and recycle bins are filling up, and slowly - ever so slowly - the clutter is diminishing. Right now, just about everything I own is now in boxes. A yard sale is just around the corner, as well as a donation center haul, perhaps a trip to BFI to make a dump, and suddenly I won't know what to do with myself except to fill up the vacancies again. That's my prediction, anyway. What I need is another universe - one I can call my own. That way, I'll have everything and it won't matter because there won't be anywhere else to put it or anything else to acquire, so I'll free to consider other things.


Well, consider this the last entry for a while. Wish me luck. On second thought, don't do that. Just wish me good fortune. I like that better.

posted by Bill  # 6:55 PM